What can I say baby boy this past month has been an absolute whirl wind. Our pediatrician told us at your 2 day weight check that the nights are long but the weeks are short. She is 100% right, the weeks are flying by. It's hard to believe you are no longer my newborn, your now an infant. Speaking of weight you are putting it on like a champ. You were born 7lbs 13 oz and lost about 7% of your body weight before leaving the hospital. At your 2 day check you were holding your own but not gaining, luckily my milk came in that morning. When we we went back in for your 2 week check you were 9lbs 2oz, you skipped right over that eight pound mark! They also checked you for jaundice because you looked "a little yellow", apparently no one told them your "a little Asian". Turns out your bilirubin was just fine.
Your tongue is healing just fine after being clipped (you were born tongue tied). Mommy was a big wimp and couldn't watch them do it (I also sat out your circumcision, even though I've performed them on other babies). I sat out in the waiting room balling my eyes out while your daddy held you for the procedure. What an awesome daddy! You took it like a champ and stopped crying as soon as it was over. Even the nurse commented how strong you were. After the procedure the doc commented it was a good thing we had it done because the frenulum was very thick and its unlikely it would have loosened on it's own. Hopefully now you will not have any problems nursing or with speech.
Eating- well you have spaced your feedings to every 3 hours - thank you so much. This makes for a much happier mommy. I now have time to do things between the feedings. Plus you are super efficient and are typically done eating within 15 minutes. I love feeding you. You look so sweet with your little fists all balled up at the start of a feeding and you are all relaxed by the end when you are enjoying your "milk buzz".
Sleeping - I'm not gonna lie little man this was the toughest thing about bringing you home. As daddy says that first night" sh#t got real". Waking to feed you every 2 hours is crazy hard, especially when it takes 20 min to feed you, 10 to burp you, and 5 to change you, then one hour later it starts all over. Thankfully you are such a good eater our pediatrician gave us to OK to introduce a paci and space your feedings to every 3 hours. This gives mommy more sleep and makes it so much more manageable. Right now it's easiest for mommy to sleep downstairs with you because your pack and play is set up in the living room. Hopefully we will start sleeping upstairs soon. Right now my favorite thing in the whole world is when you fall asleep on my chest! I'll be so sad when you are too big to do it anymore.
Milestones - mostly you like to sit and stare at our faces, and we love staring right back. You are just so cute and have this super serious look about you. You keep your hands right up by your face a lot just like you did in Mommy's tummy. We think you are gonna love sucking your thumb as soon as you can find it, right now your are pretty content to stuff your whole fist in your mouth. You are also starting to recognize our voices. You will turn your head in our direction when you hear us across the room, we just love that! You are slowly become more aware. You were pretty sleepy the first 2 weeks. Your family just loves to hold you. We can spend the whole day just staring at your face. Your Pops is already telling people you can read at a 2nd grade level - no pressure
See what I mean - we just sit and stare at you! (Aunt Dee, Great Grandma and Grandpa) |
Meeting your sister Layla - she was pretty excited |